
Favorite Summer Workouts

It’s hard for me to go to a gym (especially underground, New Yorkers) during a beautiful summer day. I feel like I’m wasting a joyful sunshiny day if I can’t see it. Anyone else? That’s why I try to get creative to stay fit in the summer while appreciating the beauty of the season. I’ve compiled some ideas for myself and you. Head over to my Instagram, @sarahrosesummers to let me know which idea is best for your routine!

1. Run your local trail or park.

Set by Beyond Yoga from Bollare.

Set by Beyond Yoga from Bollare.

2. Find yourself soaking up the sun by the water? Hop in the deep end to tread water and swim laps - your childhood self will love you for it…and I promise it’s probably not that easy anymore.

3. Grab your yoga mat, pack up your cutest gym bag with water, hydrate, some ankle weights, and to head to your local park for some Pilates-inspired stationary exercises. (check out my IG TV for inspo). Don’t forget to bring your favorite book to relax after your workout.

4. Set up a circuit workout in your driveway - alternate sprints or use a jump rope for cardio, hand weights for squat to shoulder press or alternating punches. Get creative while staying close to home yet soaking up the summer sun.

Raw Rev>candy bar

Many people ask me about my go-to healthy snacks. While training for Miss Universe, Tanya at F-Factor introduced me to Raw Rev Glo bars for their high fiber content. I had struggled to find protein bars without whey protein. They’re a much different texture than other bars I eat - they’re like a chewy cookie! The cookie dough flavor could be a substitute for a Three Musketeers-type candy bar, but the sea salt chocolate is also perfect for a sweet tooth. However, my favorite flavors are creamy peanut butter and chunky peanut butter (disclaimer: I am a sucker for all things peanut butter).


I love to pair peanut butter flavors with an apple, rather than simply slapping peanut butter onto an apple. I have a Raw Rev Glo bar my purse at all times, no one needs a hangry Sarah Rose! If you try, tag me in your Instagram story with your thoughts, @sarahrosesummers.